I have tried to import/convert from my 6.7.3 Classic 3 times this morning and each time it fails to move or show any threads/posts once it successfully completes.

Install of 7.1 works great. Installed, configured, tested. No problems.

So, no I removed the 7.1 database and directory structure.

Created a fresh database.

Reinstalled 7.1 but stopped at the "create admin" user.

Close my Classic board.

Begin import using UBB.classic Import Script Version 4.0 (May 27, 2006).

First problem encountered!

The 1st screen where you provide the absolute paths to Classic, I input all paths correctly. Then submit.

I get the following error(s):

"You entered the wrong path to the members directory"

I have my members directory located behind my web root at "/var/www/vhosts/tndeer.com/Members" It's been here for years.

So, I moved the entire Members dir. up and under my ubb home directory at "/var/www/vhosts/tndeer.com/httpdocs/ubb/Members" and the importer will accepts this, then complains about the cgi-bin having a "wrong" path. It is also behind my web root. I likewise move it up to the ubb home and then the importer will proceed.

The importer runs to completion with out any noticable error. Once complete, it prompts me to login into my new 7.1 forum.

Great, the members are there, so are the categories, and forums. BUT there is NOT a single post or thread in any forum??


Last edited by dg7080; 02/24/2007 1:33 PM.