You hope,
they do moan like hell, "I used to do it this way" and i want to be able to do it that way again.

If anyone rants on about the WHY and its not a million miles away you could say its due to security issues with the software being so old. That calmed my mob down.

But with the extra hacks over a DEV i've made them happy enough.

The top 30 days poster is the best Unofficial add on ever.
And Gizmo's u tube stuff (Coming in v7.2 (i think))

Mitch you have a great product,
take time to get used to the control pannel and the way things now work.

I'm Ex classic so ive been there lol.
Well done with the import if youve made it.

Your members will never know how long you stared at a blank screen clicking over step by step lol..

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo