I visit very rarely. (lol)

I think the diffrence now and when i was with classic
was the old forums were crap.
I couldnt see people having a laugh, it was all too serious at time. UBBDEV or what ever i just got lost there under classic.

But getting a news letter about the new V7 brought me back.
And for me being around from its first 7.0 showing kinda
helps me to help others too, as the version go up.

So this time i feel i can help people.

I'm seeing these forums as a refreshing change,
as i have put so much time and money in to my own community
i'm worn out, and this place gets me thinking again lol.

Good banter between members and helping others
keeps me around wink

So at the moment More time Here as its refreshing wink
And Gizmo has most of the answers lol...

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo