I have a few vicious spammers and trolls on my board
Just upgrading to 7.2 final from 6.5. Big Jump

What do I need to have the best tools to fight trolls and Spammers

I like to be able to get IP info and to check for double identities...

I have installed a few mods... a waiting period. Users have to wait a couple of day before they can post and need to have 20 posts before htey can post... I also had a double identity check but it doesn ot work with trolls that know their way around

No too sure as what 7.2 offers for Spam and help control

My Spam is mainly competing boards trying to lure our members and affiliates trying to make a buck... some are robots, easy to block, others are dedicated persons on a mission, not easy to block.

The moderators and administrator need all the help they can get

How do you fight Spam and trolls?
