Just went and did some test posting and it appears to be working fine for me.

Don't forget you have cookies that need to be removed if you want your own account to show the changes.

I logged in. Viewed an image multiple time, no change.
Logged out came back. View incremented by 1 (as it should - the cookie knows I'm the same person so why increase the view count if I view it once or ten times as I'm the same person viewing it and that would skew the REAL view count)

Then logged back in and replied to my own post and the indicator increased as it should.

I think the new count method is confusing to you is all, but it is working as expected.

I still think that Rick should add some code that would auto check and increment if needed say once every 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 (depending on what the Admin sets it to)

Now as to incrementing on your own views, edits that would probably not be a good thing to have it increment each time the same user viewed or edited a topic.

Something along these lines though, I would like to see some code added that would enable the new post indicator (maybe with a different color) each time a user edits his/her own post.
Currently even as an Admin you can't easily tell if a user edits a post.