Sometimes a Captcha is a pain in the arse to add, but you still want to keep bots from signing up on your forms and want a way to somehow filter them out from the real people.

I use this and it works a high percentage of the time.

What you do in the basic form is to have your text boxes have name/ids that are like "xxName", "xxAge" etc etc.. the user really doesn't know or care what you name the fields anyway..

Then what you do is also add some hidden fields that bots tend to like to fill in too.. they are kinda dumb that way (don't know why).. those fields (hidden) are name/ids of "name", "age" etc etc..

Now when the forum submits and if any of those hidden fields are filled in (ie: a bot stopped by and just slammed in values), you can decide to NOT take the info and put it in your DB or backend. Heck, you can even give them the nice 'Thank you for registering (you sh*thead)' screen wink


ps: kudos to my friend WoLPH-UNiT for the original idea.