Sorry Gizmo....I was overwriting you as you posted.

Thanks for the info on the new PP/UBBT7.2 integration. As I said though, our people really don't like PP much...and my old license would require a fee to upgrade...and Gallery 2 is a really awesome app - with wrappers we use to drop it into pages on other sites already anyway.

Yeah, we've played with the new UBBTGallery feature and we're really disappointed. We also realize that it's a first attempt at a new feature and will undoubtedly be refined over time....but I have yet to see an example of how it creates/imitates a BLOG feature or a GALLERY feature - better than a Blog or Gallery do what is it's purpose?

I am assuming it is to replace and/or simplify the uploading of single photos for inline use?...or the attachment method?

Frankly, we are hoping YOU will read through this dialog we've been having and point out flaws or errors...or possibly positives and potentials...