(Version 7.0.0b1 rv323)

I'm not 100% on RSS Feeds,
but my classic forums hook up on them and
i would like to implement that into v7

When i visit the New RSS feed link
i dont get any of the code tags?
Just a page of unformatted text (Trying to be RSS).

Yeh i know classic runs on RSS 1.0 format,
but i do hook up on RSS 2,0 Format Sites too.
As i have a parser that does this for me.

This is My Classic Rss feed Page Classic v1 Rss
This is a v2 Feed i hook up on ITV Motor Sport V2 Rss
And this is threads v7 Rss v 2.0 Threads 7 Rss v 2.0

If i view the source code of my RSS from threads,
its looking more like a feed?

Like i say ive always found RSS a little confusing at times,
but it doent seem right.

Could you drop the "CEST" after the date and time?
I'm in the United Kingdom and CEST is confusing.

Last edited by Rick; 08/03/2006 12:00 PM.

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