Originally Posted by Mitch P.
I recently did a mass email and used the bounces to check for bad accounts.
Cheers smile

Originally Posted by blaaskaak
I just live with it, and just delete all those bounces that come back.
Yarp wink

Originally Posted by Gizmo
Well, in order to have threads check to see if mail bounces, it'd have to either:
  • Have an email pipe in your aliases config on your server so that when mail is recieved it is processed by threads to suspend or delete an account.
  • Act as a pop3 client and download email from an account and process emails accordinly

Both well beyond the scope of threads at this point (as I think there are some major things that are on the docket to be worked on before dealing with bounced emails (as if a user doesn't approve their email working their details will be purged at registration).
Less Valium Giz wink
But thanks for the insite smile

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