from a user regarding the image manager in a photo gallery

I have Windows XP and after much struggling I did get it to work so the problem is not the computer but the computee.

First problem was that I was not in the right forum – you have to be in the photos, etc. one.

Next – I had a hard time finding the image manager. I expected it to be one of the boxes and it is not. It is at the bottom and isn’t even underscored to indicate that it is a link.

Then once I browsed and got my image I didn’t see that you have to upload it.

I am used to adding the name of my image and description AFTER I get the image up but in this case you need to type in that stuff before you upload the image.

Then you can browse for the 2nd and 3rd images following the same procedure.
I love you Marty .. . but I think this is a very difficult process. . . just my opinion.