Hi all
i am loath to post about this as it does show up the lack of understanding in some of my users, however they just end up bombarding my admin account with the same questions...

If you try to log on to my board (ubb threads 7.2.2) without cookies enabled on your browser you are simply returned to the log in screen. There appears to be no warning message issued so it looks as if the login has failed (which it has) and that your user id is not valid.

Is there anyway of modding the login script to detect that the user is valid, but that it was unable to create the cookie. That way the user gets the feedback (and thus slaps his or her head before turning on cookies) and my admin inbox is spared the countless "my user account no longer works" emails.

I must add that a large percentage of my user community are transient workers who contract short-term at a variety of sites throughout UK, Europe and beyond - some sites have different security policies enabled on their corporate desktop build. I try to reccomend to them to always get my URL added into their trusted sites list etc.

Any input, guidance etc would be greatly appreciated.

