BTW, the path info on a blank phpinfo will show nothing of value, you must access it as:

Then search the output for "this/is/a/test"

As for enabling the option if it isn't available, this must be done through your webhost and is a simple update for them to do, however will prove impossible if they're not willing to update it for you.

(all they have to do is add 'AcceptPathInfo On' to the apache configuration for your website)

You can sometimes get away with adding the variable to a .htaccess file, though that assumes several things:
1. The webhost has granted you access to do so (which if they don't grant you access to have AcceptPathInfo on in the first place, it's doubtful they've given your account the override "FileInfo" permission.
2. you how how to edit an existing .htaccess file without b0ging it.

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