I recall starting this mess months ago and I gave up on integrating deciding to wait it out for a while. Thanks to several people and a few mods I collected on three different forums I finally integrated my Flash Chat last night. For the record, I used the 7.1 CMS option when installing Flash Chat to integrate UBB Threads 7.0.2 which I am still running. blush

The one thing that I can add that might help a lot of people is that you MUST upload the Flash Chat directory/files under your UBB directory. This way, the installation script can pick up the information for your UBB database where it too must set up its database and access certain tables from your UBB database. Maybe this is commonly known among programmers, developers and technical geeks but some of us don't know any better. Myself, I had given Flash Chat it's own directory and its own database on my server. This wont work! It is not written anywhere that I looked that in order to integrate Flash Chat with CMS it needs to be set up to use the same database. Like I said, this is probably obvious to some, but I think it is something that needs to be spelled out for the rest of us. wink Yes, I feel stupid. It is however suggested in the integration instructions to set it up in the forum directory which I finally read carefully and proceeded to do. blush After that, I edited a couple files and had it working nicely in no time. Now feeling less stupid than before... I learned a lot!

THANK YOU to all who contributed here, at UBBDEV and in the Tufat forum.

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Webmaster by night! cool
FordDoctorsDTS.com running UBB Threads