Originally Posted by Gizmo
Well, I understand you have needs, that's all fine and dandy; but keep in mind that the chat integrations at ubbdev are made by ubb members; I highly doubt that many chat companies want to maintain anything past an initial creation.

I see most people understand by integration:
integration into space and looks of the forum.

I am talking about user database authentication integration. username and password integration.

I think there is one easy quick and dirty way for user database integration. And most chats allow this external cgi authentication method. One function and most chats are user database integrated.

Gizmo or Rick would hack it in 20 minutes and then add it for the good of everyone.

Any takers, please?

input: username
Input: userpassword, either MD5 or unencoded
Potential input: IP number

number indicating if user, mod, admin, wrong password or username, blocked
maybe also user id as output

input user NAME, not number
output: either user number or user info
This one is needed if the chat user wants to see a user profile. User profiles cannot be called by user name but by user id, this is what this function is needed for.

I first thought I could hack this together in 2 hours. But I took a look and got lost, could not find where the login and authentication routine is located, and how to find if someone is an admin or moderator. If nobody does the hack, can anyone give me some hints where to start? scripts/login.inc.php ???

or gizmo, can you spare 20 minutes to hack that?