Its somthing i want also or been asking for?
As its an option for file uploads, so why shouldnt it be a option for the gallery also.

I have my Files upload on a bandwidth tag, so if it goes
over it shuts down files / images from showing but does not
disable my forums.

This is the set up i want to achieve with the gallery and
its directory of choice if it had one.

Currently its in the root /threads,
and i cant customise the bandwidth for a directory.

But i can for sub-domain names.
Its also a good idea for back ups also?
This way i can back up my forums every night wink
(I know the database is elsewhere)

But having all files and images in folders
on a sub domain, makes backing up easier to manage and monitor.

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo