Originally Posted by jgeoff
You're not including the HTML tags, are you? Those may be conflicting with the current HTML/HEAD/BODY tags...

I've taken them out and the code is posted below - still doesn't work.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  //JavaScript Rotating Banners
  //copyright daxassist, 2000-2004
  //visit http://www.daxassist.com for this and other javascripts with full tutorials.

  //specify interval between rotating banners (in mili seconds)
  var currentlink = 0;
  var currentimage = 0;
  var delay = 20000;
  var newbrowser = true;
  //specify banners
  if(document.images) {
    banpics = new Array();	
    banpics[0] = new Image();
    banpics[0].src = "http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/images/blackstone728x90.jpg";
    banpics[1] = new Image();
    banpics[1].src = "http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/images/schaeffers/gif-anim-headlines72.gif";

    //specify banner links
    banlinks = new Array();	
    banlinks[0] = "http://www.blackstone-labs.com/free_test_kit.html";
    banlinks[1] = "http://www.schaefferoil.com/";

  function bannerchanger(from) {
    if(document.images) {
      document.images[from].src = banpics[currentimage].src;
      currentlink = currentimage;			
      if (currentimage < banpics.length-1) 
        currentimage = currentimage + 1;
        currentimage = 0;
      setTimeout("bannerchanger('" + from + "')", delay);
  function FollowLink() {
    if(document.images) {
      if (newbrowser == true) {
        window.open(banlinks[currentlink], 'newwindow', '', false);			
      } else
        document.location.href = banlinks[currentlink];

<p align="center"><a href="http://www.bobistheoilguy.com"><img border="0" src="http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/banner.gif" width="760" height="150"></a>

<body onload="bannerchanger('banner');">

<p align="center">

<a href="javascript:FollowLink();"><img id="banner" name="banner"  src="http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/images/blackstone728x90.jpg" border=0></a>