Rick thanks for the reply, but that's not happening.

I clicked on a topic from last week in the SP area left the site entirely and went back and the topic view stayed the same.

If I went to this site and I am not spamming for them but only using them as an example...


And opened that topic and refreshed 5 times... it shows as 5 views.

If you try it you'll see what I mean, and they have the qucik reply option as well and it counts as a view. I have tested it against mine. That is my post there so I know it works as I described and tested the multiple refresh to see if the views went up and it did everytime.

So either that board is what I really need or I need to find a way to have my board work that way. I don't know the answer so hence why I am here where I have been with you guys since I started the forum over 10 years ago.

Thanks for your help.