this topic leads me to believe that there is a bug in the create table script.

CREATE TABLE ubbt_BBCODE ( BBCODE_ID int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, BBCODE_MENU_SHOW tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', BBCODE_ENABLE tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', BBCODE_DESCRIPTION varchar(128) default NULL, BBCODE_MENU_PROMPT varchar(128) default NULL, BBCODE_TAG varchar(64) default NULL, BBCODE_MATCH_REGEX varchar(256) default NULL, BBCODE_MARKUP_RESULT varchar(2048) default NULL, BBCODE_MENU_ORDER int(4) NOT NULL default '0', UNIQUE KEY BBCODE_ndx (BBCODE_ID,BBCODE_ENABLE) ) TYPE=MyISAM

A VARCHAR of over 256 required MySQL 5.0.3 and newer. I'm pretty sure that threads supports older than 5.0.3 MySQL and really I can't see that threads itself will suffer from making that column 255.

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