Originally Posted by Gizmo
Dumb question; are you by chance using persistant connections in your ubb config to connect to the mysql db? If so, I'd highly advise turning them off...
Nope. I just checked. We're not. Thanks for the heads up though.
Originally Posted by Rick
Just took a peek at your forum, even registered so I could get a good look at the size of your forum.
Thanks. I love this internet thing. I'm betting it might just catch on one day...
Originally Posted by Rick
It's not all that large, so even having the total # of unread topics/posts turned on should be that bad at all. I was thinking maybe the search could be doing it as sometimes it can lock while doing a large search over all posts, however on the size of your forum, that shouldn't be an issue either.
Yeah, and that's the thing. I'm pretty new to all of this (baptism by fire I suppose), but I've used ubb in LOTS of other settings and it's never been an issue with much bigger sites. I've just never known what they've had running on the back end. I deal with pretty big iron for my day job, so a 2x2.8GHz P4 w/ 1.5GB RAM config seems awfully slow to me at first glance.

Originally Posted by Rick
Are you logging slow queries in your mysql configuration?
I'm going to have to get back to you on that one.

Now, with all that said, I'm not sure we'll ever know exactly what was the problem. The guy at our ISP ran a bunch of OS updates - including moving us to mysql 5.0.45 and running myisamchk (which was probably the same as optimize table).

So far so good. It very well may have been completely unrelated to ubb.