actual I running 7.4b2 but this bug is a long term problem in my board, starting several versions ago. My board is an imported from 6.5

The problem:

on my admin panel under statistics I have Members: 599
in /admin/groupmanage.php I have the following values:
1 Administrators 6
2 GlobalModerators 1
3 Moderators 21
4 Users 1004
5 Guests 1

The usercount is to high. Clicking on 1004 I get:
Result 1-25 von 598

there is a difference of 1 user to the statistics on the entry page.

I also wonder about the 1 guest in the guest group. Clicking on the 1 bring up:
no members found

The statistic content island on my portal also count 599 members.

What can be done to correct the values?

my board:
my hobby:
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