In the current poll I voted for UI in lieu of blogs.
But for my group the search is the most important feature for them. They could care less about blogs or PM for that matter. All they care about is to post technical references and be able to search for them. The problem they have is my host setting is set for 4 characters(problem)and they can't search for numeric strings(problem) they want a more user friendly search screen and they want to search back to the end of time.
Just as others complain about UI and blogs are overdue the same is true about the search feature. In several posts I have made and others it was stated that the search needs to be addressed.

Not picking on Rick but the more features added adds the potential for more bugs which takes away a lot of his time to address enhancements to what we already have. Maybe it is time for UBB to consider adding additional resources to work on some of these projects.

One person can't do it all.
Support us, Fix bugs,add enhancements and add features.
I see Rick here answering our questions in the early morning hours ,late evening hours and on weekends. Especially when a new release comes out.

Blue Man Group
There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers