Hey Gizmo-

You seem to be at the leading edge of search engine promotion with respects to the UBB Threads board and generating a sitemap for it.

I am an ASP programmer and had already written code a few years ago that used the File Scripting Object to iterate through all the flat files generated by the old UBB and generate URL's to all the posts and topics for inclusion in my sitemap.

We switched to Threads 7.2 several months ago, and I just now got around to modifying my sitemap generator to include the Threads-based URLs.

I basically just wrote code that uses ADO to open the MySQL database and iterate through the ubbt_topics, ubbt_posts, and ubbt_users tables to generate all the possible URLs.

I'm sure the resulting XML that is written is correctly formatted and valid, but much to my dismay, after submitting the newly generated sitemap to Google, they aren't indexing ANY of the URLs!

Did you have any problems with Google not indexing the URLs your sitemap generator generates? Did it just take a while for them to get around to indexing them?

The sitemap in question doesn't just include generated URLs for the Threads board, but also from our inventory database and other sources.

If you want to see what my URL's look like, it is located at http://www.myfootshop.com/myfootshopcom-sitemap.xml
It includes over 33,000 URLs, but the first ones in the XML file are the Threads URLs.