Nah - These are minor bugs, and I can certainly live with them - I wanted to know if there were permissions I was missing (there weren't) or workarounds (there were, partial). I doubt this forum will be left closed to guest reading very long, and it is sufficiently insulated with the mods.

I'm a long-time Classic user - my forum is - and although I've got a Gold license I've stayed with Classic out of inertia. Starting a new site was impetus to learn threads, and perhaps one of these days convert over. Biggest issue has been all of the hacks I've done that I hope not to have to redo. Particularly registration hacks - I'm able to auto-reject an average of 25 registrations per day with my custom filters that never increment the member count or make it into the queue.

I don't know if just having Captcha will be equally effective or not, or if I will have to implement similar hacks.