Originally Posted by Rick
The tags are generated in the script itself actually.
I got the reason :
in showflat.inc.php :
if (!$forum_info['FORUM_IS_GALLERY']) {
  if (!$downloads) { $downloads = "0"; }
  if ($size < $config['INLINE_IMAGE'] && in_array($ext,$img_array)) {
    $postrow[$i]['filelink'] .= "<img src=\"" . preg_replace('#\.html$#', '', make_ubb_url("ubb=download&Number=$file_id&filename=$filename_orig", "", false)) . "\" alt=\"{$filename_orig}\" title=\"{$filename_orig}\" /><br /><br />";
  } else {
    $postrow[$i]['filelink'] .= "<a href=\"" . preg_replace('#\.html$#', '', make_ubb_url("ubb=download&Number=$file_id&filename=$filename_orig", "", false)) . "\">$filename_orig</a>  <span class=\"small\">($downloads {$ubbt_lang['DOWNLOADS']})</span><br />";
  } // end if
  if ($file_desc) {
    $postrow[$i]['filelink'] .= "<span class='small'>{$ubbt_lang['FILE_DESC']} $file_desc</span><br /><br />";

The post is generated since old ubbthreads6 or 5 or even older.
When transform to ubb7 , the import script may not handle the column "$filename_orig" well , so it becomes empty.

I think you'd better check the import script or fix the showflat.inc.php

English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.