Originally Posted by JAISP
Ok, I found 6.1 and 6.3 but not 6.2 in this mess.

Allen I think the cost of $99 may be more then they have at this point. I know your a moderator here and all that and all you mods always just blurt out upgrade upgrade blah blah blah and so on but hey, not everyone has the money or are able to do that on a whim all the time. Like most government and rich folks it appears that you guys think everyone has lots of money laying around and its like nothing to just "upgrade".

Anyway, I will try to help this person even if I have to get in there and do it my self manually to help them for FREE.

I've been helping people "for free" here, at infopop, at scriptkeeper and ubbdev for >10 years now. They've never paid me a penney, despite thousands of hours of support in those forums. That's besides the point, my advice is definitely valid. $99 is a pittance to anyone running a busy site to fix bugs, fix security holes (and there's been more than a few as tacks is discovering), not even counting the new features. If that is too much money, then at least stick to the free scripts, there's at least one out there, tho I'd never use it myself smile

Anyone who puts up an online forum, attracts members, and wants to make it an ongoing concern has to understand that keeping the server updated and keeping their scripts updated is the minimal level of competence required to run a site. If the site-owner is unwilling to update software that is several years old (a millenia in internet years), then our advice is not going to fix the underlying issue.

- Allen
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