We found an error in our Global Moderator Forum Permissions {the edit post time limit was one minute}, so we went in to the Group Management -> Global Mod -> Forum Permissions to edit it.

First of all, it took an unusually long time to load the permissions page. Hung up, slowed the browser, etc..

Second of all, once the edits were made, we hit "update this group's permissions."

It loaded the page titled "/forums/admin/dogroup_forumperms.php" to a blank white page, claiming to be "done" loading in Firefox.

We thought it might just be that group, but it's not. Every single group we try to edit causes the same problem.

However, "/forums/admin/dogroup_siteperms.php" and "/forums/admin/dogroup_cpperms.php" work just fine.

No idea how to troubleshoot this. Tried clearing the cache, to no avail.


Custom Titles.

We want the only group to be able to edit members' custom titles to be the administrators. So far, so good. However, we're having an issue with length. We need to be able to increase the limit on custom titles for ALL member groups without giving permission to EDIT those titles to anyone but the administrators.

So far, no luck.



Forgot to mention the lack of being able to find where the character limit is/how to set it, and that the '1' in permissions isn't actually limiting it to one character {as far as editing from within the CP}, so it seems to be broken anyhow.

Last edited by Realta Gaoth; 09/11/2009 6:10 AM.