I have a hacker on my forum couple months ago and I still dealing with the troubles he gave me on 7.3.1
I had this issue with CAPTCHA that was solved by Rick here:
but seams that I still have a left over problem:
A user do the login, perfect.
then that user answer one question.
bing>>> the user is automatic log off AFTER the question being answer and saved. So it means the response will be there, on that user name, but the user is log off.

That accordingly to Rick, is the same problem that he pointed before, with one .PGP file having extra spaces before the PHP tag.
I finally finished checking ALL files and could not find any who still have that situation.
So, I'm start guessing that the problem is elsewhere.

My question: which files are involved on the process to respond one thread and keeping the cookies? (because my guess is that the cookies are being deleted during that process).

Thank you

PS: one more info:
it happens ONLY when the user stays connect for some time before answering a question. If the user connect, and then answer few questions, the problem do not happen.
THen he stays quite, doing nothing, for about 15,20" and then answer a question: bum... log off.

Last edited by ehm1; 10/14/2009 4:48 PM. Reason: more info