I just got done moving my forums to a new hosting setup, after I got 7.2.2 running well without it throwing any errors (there were some bad paths I had to fix ;-) ) I ran the upgrade to

It was uneventful, in that there were no problems when the upgrade script ran it stepped through everything including upgrading the database as it should have, no errors were returned at all - Two unexpected things have occurred since,

1 - even though I followed what directories to copy over for the upgrade carefully, it seems my custom style (such as it is) got clobbered - it didnt take long to fix, but I did not have that issue when I tested all this....

2 - more important to me, I am cleaning up all the extra groups and permissions now that they are a little more granular, it seems when I attempt to delete a group - empty or not, I get back this error.....

Fri, Nov 20 2009 19:38:45 -0700
Art Script: /home4/jonfundo/public_html/forum/admin/dogroupmanage.php - Line: 81
select USER_ID as uid
from ubbt_USER_GROUPS
where GROUP_ID = 7
and USER_ID =
(select distinct USER_ID
from ubbt_USER_GROUPS
where GROUP_ID <> 7
and USER_ID = uid)
- Unknown column 'uid' in 'where clause'

Anyone have a clue as to where and what to look for??