maybe somebody might give ma a hint where i have to search / find a solution.

I do run the version: (http://www.viermalvier.de/ubb_portal/)

I generated a Custom Island with Google ads Code
I`m able to display it Left or right by setting it in "Portal Layout" or to insert and display it in a forum header.
So I´m sure the Island Insert works

Then i went to the forum settings to the TAB "custom inserts"
At the POPUP field I choose my generated and tested Custom Island and saved the settings

Afterwords i went to the point "Forum Permissions" there i set the "Must view Ad Island" all groups to 1 and saved it.

Normaly the island should be shown between the 1st and 2nd post but it refuses to apear mad .

And yes i did not touch the preset code off the islands