Hi Board,

actualy, after an Migration to another server, i´m cleaning up my websites / Forum.

So now I want to delete an usergroup and it did not work?. There are no Members in the Group, any hint?

The Board Version is:, The site Link is http://www.viermalvier.de/ubb_portal

Script: /homepages/45/d302470754/htdocs/viermalvier.de/ubb_portal/admin/dogroupmanage.php
Line#: 81
SQL Error: Unknown column 'uid' in 'where clause'
SQL Error #: 1054
Query: select USER_ID as uid from ubbt_USER_GROUPS where GROUP_ID = 6 and USER_ID = (select distinct USER_ID from ubbt_USER_GROUPS where GROUP_ID <> 6 and USER_ID = uid)


Last edited by Landyphil; 12/03/2009 8:31 AM.