I'm not the license holder for the particular forum we're wanting to overhaul, but I do hold a license for another forum, and I'm an administrator at the forum we do want to redo. That being said...

We're running Version: 7.2.2, and due to some crazily explosive drama and a general distaste for the users that have caused it, we're wanting to overhaul it. We'd like to find a way to keep the forum and styles in tact while completely resetting the user count.

The way we have our forum set up {as an RPG}, we also have a corresponding WIKI that lists the avatars to each corresponding member number. However, after the purge of many of the accounts, it leaves a lot of empty and unseemly space.

Is there a way to reset the user count so that, instead of a new user signing up and being #700-something, they could be user #3 or #4 instead? A way to reset all of that without deleting the original Admin account, without deleting styles or forums or post islands etc, and without deleting existing posts? Or is the ONLY way to totally restart the user count to do a total re-install?