Originally Posted by JAISP
I'm sure there will be complete documentation for 3rd party programmers to write plugin's for the UBB too, sure....

Not sure if this was just a sarcastic post or not since I'm still getting to know the regulars here, but I'll add a bit of info.

I'm responsible for the API and I'll be responsible for the documentation as well. The API should be released before version 8 is finished, although it will surely be appended to as time goes on.

Documentation will be fairly easy. If you're using an API then normally you're at least semi familiar with coding so it will be mostly self explanatory. You'll include a master API file, which in turn will include a few libraries. Say you want to log a user into the forum, you'd use our API login function and just looking at the current function you can see we're trying to make these fairly simple to use:

 * Try and log a user in
 * @param string $username Username
 * @param string $password Password
 * @param boolean $remember Remember login
 * returns user_id on success
 * returns an error on failure (NOT_FOUND|UNDERAGE|NOT_APPROVED
 *                              UNVERIFIED_EMAIL,BAD_PASSWORD)
function login($username,$password,$remember='') {