Originally Posted by Sirdude
wow @ 2 series.. Allen, you mighta set the record... i've got back to 6.2 i think..

It's somewhere here... we went on a script-finding mission one time years back and scrounged up some very old code. I don't think version 1 is in the wild, but I know we had either version 2 or 3 running at one time - it shocked Charles Capps to see it up and actually able to post to it laugh I found 5.45c on my hard drive at the office, I have an older hard drive gathering dust somewhere with all those scripts on it.

The code is probably still available on the net if you know what words to search for and add a .zip on the end. The problem is so many torrent sites have taken over the top 30 pages of results if you go looking for zips. :/

I saw a version 4.86 running a few minutes ago, lots of the older stuff is still up and running on hundreds of thousands of sites.

- Allen
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