Last year I bought a new domain and created a site. I know about facebook, twitter and yahoo groups but never considered them in relation to my domain. When I came here shopping for software I saw and read about the facebook connection and plans for future versions but didn't stop to really think about its vision and implications.

Personally I have always stayed away from free sites and even though I have friends on facebook that constantly invite I had never created an account. Now I am taking a hard second look as someone else saw my lack of vision and has now created a group on yahoo and a page on facebook using my domain name ( Hind sight is 20/20 as they say.

The group and facebook page give the appearance it could be connected to the domain. I did not consider this and don't understand, is it some form of novice site hijacking? I am curious how many of you create facebook pages or yahoos groups connected to your domain names?

Have a great day