Turning off the search engine friendly URLs is going to probably be your best option for now, since as Gizmo stated it won't add the subject line, poster name, after the topic/post. But as mentioned, if you turn them off and you've been running with them on for quite a while, any indexed links by search engines will not work.

We don't do any webserver url rewriting. There are always going to be multiple URLs to each individual topic, since you'll have the topic url, and then the permalink to individual posts in the topic. The only part of the URL that is actually used is the topic or post id, everything after that is ignored, which is why anything will work, such as topics/97134/xqxqxqxqxq.html as was noted. But that URL would never be generated by the forum.

We will be working on cleaning this up to try and cut down on the URLs that are displayed when a search engine visits the forum.