i've gone with Full Text, but modified the search routine to give more meaningful results.

for example, when you search on topic Subject, there is only a need to return the 1st post in that topic, rather than matching all it's replies (which by default are the same).. it makes it more relevant..

i decoupled Subject from Body, so you search on one OR the other, but NOT both.. this then makes it much more relevant..

i would recommend we at least do something along those lines for v8x

now, if you wanna (stealing it from Emmeril) kick it up a notch further, Apache Solr is the ticket (for Dedicated hosting guys).. this is blazingly fast and much better than myIsam full text.. i have that running on 2 sites..

so there are options for larger DBs, but they are mods to stock (for now)..

-- as a general rule for STOCK installs -- go with the ubb internal for small/medium and Full text for large.. that's what i recommend.