Originally Posted by jarmerson
Ruben, Thanks - I'm working on getting the license and pass from my client. I feel
open a support ticket and have Rick reset it for you
is ridiculous. I can't find anything via Google so here I am and that's the solution??? I would prefer to have access to this knowledge is all.

Gizmo, That would be too much to ask lol. I did try this thinking it should be easy peas - no tomato... Must be a ubb thing wink I was hoping for some kind of work around besides tracking down the purchaser of the license and having them provide me a login so I can post a silly ticket 'hey I can't login as the new admin'.

I'm just happy the site is setup and seemingly working on the new server! Now to gain admin access.

BTW, it is not ridiculous. How is anyone supposed to know you are a legit user to make admin changes without a license number and password.
How would you like it if I said I needed to change all of the settings on your site. Just because I have ftp access.
Trying not to be a jerk but there needs to be some security to the software.

Blue Man Group
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