Ok, stick with me, because this makes my brain hurt, and I'm sure it will yours after you read it! I'll explain it the best as I can...

I have a twitter account sending posts/links to our managed facebook page via rss and vice versa...I messed with the META tags all day yesterday to get FB to show the correct "share preview" image next to links to our forum/site [which it will still only do part of the time!]. Previoiusly, the clickable title in the FB post would be the thread title pulled from the link [our forum], but now it simply says "Supercar Registry, presented by the sYc". [I've attached a screen shot]

So my question: obviously my messing with the meta tags has changed something, so what do I need to add/change so FB pulls the thread title for it's hotlink title?

Here's what's in my header insert:
<head><meta name="title" content="Supercar Registry, presented by the sYc" />
<link rel="image_src" href="http://www.yenko.net/ubbthreads/images/supercarlogo.gif" />
ScreenHunter_01 Aug. 20 11.26.jpg

UBB.Threads 7.5.5