There is a simple way to hide all the ubbcode stuff and dimensions.

matter of fact, i do that for all of the galleries on my forums. peeps don't use that (normally) on those forums, so a quickie mod to the template, just doesn't display the IMG tag stuff..

and Ruben is right about the right click disable.. you can do it perty simply in javascript, but anyone who actually SEES the image in their browser has already downloaded it.. so they (if they aren't a n00b) can really steal any / all of your photos. (example of what one site does for right click Here -- try right click save as and you will see what they suggest as a filename wink )

you CAN prevent what is called 'hot linking' very easily in your .htaccess file, so that any other website trying to link to your images won't work... you can even have the .htaccess file specify a replacement like 'HEY DON'T HOTLINK!' kinda image.. or whatevs..

but to completely LOCK it down is impossible against knowledgeable surfers smile

ugh: Jaisp beat me to the punch laugh