of all my geeky habits and love of tech and gadgets, this is one thing I won't get.
yes, there are cheap and free ebooks, but most are still 9.99, even older titles.. why should I spend $9.99 on an ebook when I can get the real thing for less 99% of the time?

if I buy a $20 hardcover book, it should include a coupon or something for a free ecopy,.

I can understand the convenience of the device, having multiple books in less space than a single book takes, very handy when travelling, saves space, and you don't have to bring a ton of books in case you are a fast reader, etc, but I can do that on my android phone, or my netbook, if I am really that hard up for something to read and want to spend that much money for something. If I am going to spend that much, I want something tangible, something I can keep.

that and the fact that I am very fond of reading a real, paper page book, and enjoy having my favorites on display in the book case.

"No matter where you go, there you are."
"If you can't do something smart, Do something right"
"There are three kinds of people in the world, those who can count, and those who can't"