hi -- i'm currently having a bit of trouble with my forum that i'm pretty sure is related to a recent server upgrade. more than likely, this is just a quick little fix that i'm just not smart enough to know about smile if helpful, here's a copy of the error message i get when trying to access my forums (http://www.robkamphausen.com/ubbthreads/) and below that is a copy of the notice my server sent out prior to the error. maybe someone here will spot what i needs t'be fixin...?

UBB error:
We encountered a problem. The reason reported was

Script: /home/robkam2/public_html/ubbthreads/scripts/cfrm.inc.php
Line#: 346
SQL Error: Table './robkam2_drkknght/ubbt_POSTS' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
SQL Error #: 145
Query: select COUNT(t1.POST_ID) as posts, sum(t1.POST_IS_TOPIC) as topics from ubbt_POSTS as t1, ubbt_TOPICS as t2 where t2.FORUM_ID = '4' and t1.TOPIC_ID = t2.TOPIC_ID and t1.POST_IS_APPROVED = '1' and t1.POST_POSTED_TIME > '1284751228'

Please use your back button to return to the previous page. 

notice (if helpful) from my host:

We will be updating some components on the server on September 15th. First, MySQL will be updated from 5.0 to 5.1 series to keep the most currently available version for cPanel for our customers. We have backups on hand for all databases in the event of any issues with the upgrade process.
Please note MySQL prior to 5.1 has limited usernames to 16 characters. In those versions of MySQL, when a login username longer than 16 characters is sent to the server it is silently truncated to the 16 characters limit. In MySQL 5.1, all characters submitted for the username are checked during authentication. This change means that any user submitting more than 16 characters as their login username will fail to authenticate once the server is upgraded. To ensure the upgrade goes smoothly for you, if your sites use database logins longer than 16 characters, please correct database connection details to only send the first 16 characters of the current login usernames by truncating them.

Next, if your server have PHP 4 installed, we will be recompiling Apache and PHP to make PHP 5 the default on the server rather than PHP 4. On the servers with PHP 4 where PHP 5 has not been present, it will be added. If your server already runs PHP 5 only, PHP 5 will be just updated to the latest release and no changes will be required from your side. 

This change  on making PHP 5 the default should be unnoticeable other than those who are using the path to PHP for cron jobs on server with PHP 4. If you are, please note that the new path will be the following for PHP 4 binaries (where PHP 4 is installed):


PHP 5 will be also updated to the 5.2.14 version during this process.

Finally, we will be updating the theme on the server. The new theme will allow us to provide compatibility with the newest cPanel 11.25.1 version and offer additional options that the older theme did not provide.