Ive moved servers and everything on the face of it looks good.
Moved servers domains and paths remained the same. Gallery working and attachments working great.

The only thing ive seen not working as expected is the home page of the Control Panel.

Board Statistics
Total Members: 4515
New in past 24 hours: 0
New in past 7 days: 23
New in past month: 125

Total: members is going up (was 4509)

But the Following has remains static since the move on Christmas eve.

New in past 24 hours: 0
New in past 7 days: 23
New in past month: 125

- - - - - - -
I'm thinking its a permissions issue but the permissions check is showing ok via the control panel.

I used RSYNC to bring the forums over.
I had to use an older back up for the database (Previous Night) as my old server died when i was RSYN'ing over another account.

Ive no SQL Errors or problems that i can see.
Members can Register, and i can see that there has been at least 8 since i noticed the problem. Its updating on the main forum as in Newest Members.

Where do i begin to look first ?

Thanks for any help.


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People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo