Originally Posted by Rick
SIGNUP basically means that they went through the initial process but the system never received a payment


I have 2 e-mails from pay pal saying i have payment.
I have checked my account at Pay Pal and that user has paid.

2 logs with Recurring Payment at paypal only 1 has "issue refund"

its identical as the second member to sign up on an annual,
but his status is "Payment Received"

He has a a Start Date and a End Date.

It all looks correct except for the Status being "Sign up"

The only Difference that i can see which may mean nothing at all except this guy is also a moderator ?


Scrap that . . .
Its just happened today with another subscription.
Different duration and from a "user"

2 e-mails from paypal saying

1) Payment Received.
2) created an automatic payment profile

His account has the privileges.
He even has activated his group logo.

Ive no idea what's going on.

Previously i only used donations so it never came to light.
I'm using the latest version of software.


BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo