i have a user who sent this in. he's right in that chrome chokes on this rss feed and perhaps other readers do as well. any comments?
I'm having some trouble loading your RSS feed into a couple of different readers. I took a look at the code and I think that it is due to the "&" on line 7. I dont think xml likes "& " followed by a space and it needs &amp to parse correctly. A couple of readers let it slide, Firefox was OK, but Chrome and my android reader both choked on it. Anyway, hope that helps, great site, keep up the good work and let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

here's the RSS feed:
All Public Forums
Feed URL: http://ambergriscaye.com/forum/cache/global_rss48.xml

Last edited by mcasado; 01/14/2011 2:46 PM.