Thanks Ruben.

As usual when you are in a hurry and return to re-read it is not quite what you meant.

I had a back-up and everything is fine except a few Forums added after the install. They are the ones not showing up. I will continue to ponder as I have had a ruff week and when tired - well you know.

Thanks again. And if you think of what I am "trying" to say post it...

HOLD THE PRESS: They just returned to the drop down list. I guess I am going to have to add a delay to my tool bag because it appears the new windows 7 and browser combo's are not reacting instantly to changes. Cache - browser - database - directory changes as a group seem to be delayed. One hour after I engaged the proper procedure I finally see the results.

Oh well. Anyway I did look just before posting and it changed as I was posting now.

Later Ruben and the gang...

Now watch me go to it and there is another (insert something stupid here) What fun...

Ancient and Honourable, John West.