Thanks Giz. . .

We simply did a find and replace - all is well now. We are still having problems with slow post times. I can write a post and hit submit, and it apparently takes no time at all. Or I can write a post and hit submit and it can take up to 30 seconds and even time out.

If it times out, the post IS there though, so the thought is that the post happens quickly, but the acknowledgment is held up for whatever reason. Still working on it smile

The response time from our new hosting provider is way better than the one we were on. On the other hand, this post thing is irritating. We also had an alert that we were generating more than a 1,000 emails in a day, which seemed strange, so we gotta investigate that too.

We don't THINK someone is using us for SMTP relay - none of the bad lists have noticed us, but we don't KNOW that is a fact until we discover how to monitor the flow. Right now we are tearing our hair out because we don't seem to be able to set a password for direct access to mysql.

Just the usual, usual. grin
