My community is running UBB 7.4.1 and i was interested in a project idea for them. We have over a decade of posts to search through and it was my hope to make this massive amount of data more accessible.

essentialy I'm looking to apply a filter to the posts that get shown on the forum. The user inputs a date from the past that they wish to view. Another window opens up in there browser and displays the forum but with 3 distinct differences

  • Every post made before the inputted date is shown and marked as "Read".
  • Every post on that date is shown and marked as "Unread".
  • And every post after that date is not shown at all.

As far as permissions go only the forums that are visible to that user would be shown as well, that way new recruits don't get access to sensitive material.

In a nutshell its a "Time machine" allowing anyone to view what the forums looked like on that day in time

Is this a feasible project? Any info or advice on this would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time

Last edited by Takamori; 09/06/2011 10:20 AM.