I created a new forum (sub) which has a permanent, set number of threads; i.e., no replies, etc. So to make sure that all the threads are always visible, I changed the "Default Topic View (Days):" option in Control Panel>Forum Management>Forum name>Details" to "Show All Threads".

The problem is that value isn't being accepted. I was able to change the value to "Show All Threads" in the main forum of which this subforum is a part of. When you view this subforum that value shows "In the last 6 months". I've tried several of the other values but it won't change. Running some of the items in "Content Rebuilder" and "Clear Cache" had no effect either.

Can someone tell me whether I am not understanding what this feature does or if there is a legitimate problem that needs to be resolved? IF it is the latter, how can it be rectified?

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!