I have just upgraded to 7.5.6p2 from 7.1. Mostly went smoothly but I have a forum just for moderators. It is a hidden forum that only moderators can see.

On upgrade NONE of them can see it. As an admin I can still see it.

BELOW that forum ie:
Forum > Moderator Forum > Rubbish Tip

Is another sub forum called Rubbish Tip where mods drop posts that they want an admin to look at. They move them from wherever to that forum and let me know about it.

It is also a hidden forum that only mods can see.

They can still see that one by entering it directly into the url string eg:

I have copied the permissions from that forum (35) to the one they can't see in the control panel but that hasn't helped.

In the control panel for forum management I have:
Administrators 1
GlobalModerators 1
Moderators 1

All the rest 0 (this is the same for the forum they can see).

Any suggestions on any other settings I may need to adjust?

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