Here is my copy.
Mindraven Come Back to USA !!
Official Announcement

Dear Mindraven Customers,

This email is to confirm that Mindraven Hosting is coming back to USA and a new ownership is born! Gus Delgado, A specialist in the web hosting industry since 2005 will take over.

The reason for this change is because we have no more time to manage Mindraven Hosting and we do not want this to affect our customers. We have always offered the best service possible to you, our customers, and this is why we have selected Gus Delgado to continue managing Mindraven Hosting.

Gus Delgado works full time in the web hosting industry and he will be able to offer you a faster response. We, however, are staying around with Mindraven as staff and support to continue to serve our good customers.

The migration is scheduled for Thursday June 21st at 7:00AM EST, we will transfer your accounts to new servers in the United States, you should not lose any post in any of your forums during this migration.

Mindraven Hosting

Blue Man Group
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